Meter Calibration is a Manual or Electronic adjustment to a meter to verify the accuracy
MCS Petroleum not only calibrates meters that are out of tolerance according to the Department of Agriculture, but we calibrate every meter that is not completely accurate, helping to keep the inventory numbers accurate as well.
Frequency of Calibrations
A Full Site Calibration is required at least once every 12 to 24 months depending on the state the Gas Station is in, we put all of our customers on at least an 18 Month calibration schedule so that we make sure all repairs are made in order to complete the Full Sites Calibration. However We offer Inventory Discrepancy Calibrations as often as once every 3 Months.
How Much Does Calibrations Cost?
MCS Petroleum has strategically set our pricing so that the Required Calibration Maintenance is affordable and budgetable.
MCS Petroleum and our Technicians are Licensed by the State
-We are able to Resolve "Complaint Notices" for Calibration and Inoperable pumps.
-Calibrate all Meters up to 60 GPM.
-Submit calibration state reports for existing and new dispensers.
-Start-up calibrations for complete sites and assist with "Line Purging".

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